"The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, and at the point of exhaustion, when no one else is watching."
How to: Everything You Need To Know About Soccer
How to Pass the Ball in Soccer
Passing is one of the most important things you can do in a game. Passing allows you to move the ball around the field without having to dribble. It helps to find holes in the opponent’s defense, and move the ball up the field. It’s important to have accurate and firm passes; otherwise it will get picked off by the other team. Once you get better at ball handling and footwork, you can incorporate new moves into your passes. Here are some videos that can help your improve your pass:
Sometimes to fool an opponent, you don't even have to look where your passing
Also when you pass a soccer ball, you can kick it with different parts of your foot like the inside.
Something to remember when you pass the ball is to move somewhere else on the field so you can assist your teammates.